Daily Schedule

 Our daily schedule is filled with developmentally appropriate indoor and outdoor activities. It is posted on the classroom notice board for all families to see each day. Children thrive with a predictable routine so the flow of most of our days is similar. Here's a glance at our basic daily schedule: 


8:15am - 8:30am

Montessori work cycle

8:30am - 11:00pm

Outdoor play

11:am - 1:00pm


1:00pm - 1:30pm

Quiet time

1:30pm - 3:00pm

Goodbye circle time




2024/2025 Closure dates


August 5-7 (Monday-Wednesday)                                             Staff development ( State required continuous                                                                                                                  education classes)

August 8                                                                                        First Day back at School

September 2                                                                                  Labor Day

October 7-11 (Monday-Friday)                                                      Fall break

November 27-29 (Wednesday-Friday)                                       Thanksgiving Holidays

December 20 (Friday)                                                                   Winter holiday Party, early dismissal at 12:30pm

December 23                                                                                 Winter Holidays through January 5


January 6 (Monday)                                                                      First day back at school 

January 20 (Monday)                                                                    Martin Luther King Jr. Day                                

March 17-21 (Monday-Friday)                                                        Spring break

April 18 (Friday)                                                                              Holiday

April 21 (Monday)                                                                           Holiday

May 23  ( Friday)                                                                            Last Day of School